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JERSEb8c Профилни подаци

You've got to read this
Године 66 из Columbus, Ohio - На мрежи - Пре више од 2 недеља
Жена тражим мушкарца

Основни подаци

Енглески, Португалски
Мој опис  
I'm sincere, honest, romantic, caring, happy and outgoing. I'm spontaneous, and usually smiling. Always looking for a positive in every negative, working hard at everything I do. I'm intelligent, funny, wanting to live life to it's fullest. I LOVE to travel but enjoy being at home too.
Summers: I enjoy camping, horseback riding, fishing, boating, hiking, or going for a motorcycle ride in the country. I'm not the type to sit on the beach all day where it's really hot, sorry. I also enjoy going to auctions/flea markets or just shopping in some little village.
Winters: I enjoy horseback riding, sledding, snowmobiling, skiing, walking during a big snow fall or just sit inside by a fire. I love watching PBR "Professional Bull Riding" and going to Rodeo events, county fairs and festivals. The country life is the best, the land, wide open spaces, crisp clean air, mountains, anything outdoors. I enjoy helping people, especially the elderly and children. They both deserve to be happy and carefree. I love all types of animals, especially dogs, cats and horses.
I love Cowboys and their way of life. They're hardworking, dedicated to their families, they believe in God, and commit themselves to whatever it is that they want out of life.
Хороскопски знак  

Изглед и стање

Моје грађа  
Мали вишак килограма
163 цм
Боја очију  
Боје лешника
Имам децу  
Да - код куће
Желим децу  
Моја најбоља карактеристика  
Телесна обележја  
Боја косе  
Пас, Мачка, Коњ


Образовни ниво  
Виша школа
Мој радни однос  
Имам своју фирму
Моја струка  
Код куће  
Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
Да - у друштву


У средњој школи био/била сам  
У друштву сам  
Моја интересовања и хобији  
Камповање, Кување, Плес, Породица, Пецање/лов, Баштованство, Филмове, Музика, Фотографија, Религија/Духовност, Спортове, Путовања, Волонтирање
Како замишљам провод  
Дружење с пријатељима, Шопинг, Казино, Посета музеју, Волим да останем код куће, Волим да испробавам нове ствари
Одувек сам желео/желела да  
a little bit of everything.
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам  
Моји пријатељи желе бити ја

Погледи/Животни ставови

Идем у цркву  
На годишњем одмору
Мој животни циљ  
To be remembered for helping people, putting a smile on children's faces, eldlerly and animals. Knowing I made a difference in the world. To live a long and healthy life. To be very happy and to find my soul mate!
Мој смисао за хумор  


На ТВ-у увек гледам  
Вести, Документарце, Драме, Комедије ситуације/Ситкоме, Филмове, Спортове, ”Ријалити шоу” програме
У биоскопу увек гледам  
Акције, Комедије, Љубавне, Драме, Документарце, Породица, Трилере
Увек слушам  
Амбијентална, Кантри
Увек читам  
Аутобиографије, Биографије, Пословне, Фикције, Здравствене, Историјске, Кућа и башта, Наставне програме, Природа, Вести
Како замишљам добру забаву  
In the summer months, go horseback riding, camping, fishing, boating, hiking, 4 wheeling, motorcycle riding, farm life, going to auctions/flea markets, or even shopping. In winter, horseback riding or sledding, snowmobiling, skiing, walking during a big snow fall or just sit inside by a fire, going to PBR or rodeo events, county fairs and festivals. The country life is the best so anything outdoors would be ideal for me to have fun :)


Шта Вас привлачи?  
Одважност, Саосећајност, Изглед, Вештине, Смисао за хумор, Интелигенција, Новац, Моћ, Осећајност, Спонтаност, Брижљивост, Домишљатост
Шта тражите?  
I'd like to meet a Cowboy who is honest, giving, intelligent, strong (both physically and mentally), tall,who can protect me and make me feel safe. Who's hardworking, loving, caring, patient and understanding. To accept me as I am, not to criticize me. Who doesn't smoke, or is willing to quit. I would love to have a partner/best friend to travel with and to enjoy the outdoors with. To experience life's ups and downs together. Someone who knows how to fix things. To be in control of a situation, but not to be completely controlling. A guy who enjoys life, who loves to laugh, can handle cold weather and would be willing to do some of the things that I enjoy doing.

So, if your up for the challenge, write to me and let's see what happens :)